CoVHer | Workshop and Mulitplier Event, September 2023

CoVHer | Workshop and Mulitplier Event, September 2023

The 1st CoVHer workshop: DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE – Exploring 3D- Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination was held at the LUX Pavillon in Mainz.

The workshop included the 3rd International Multiplier Event (Abb. 1) accompanying the „Wissenschaftsmarkt“ with an exhibition of student projects on the 9th of September 2023.

The first CoVHer workshop consited of an intense working week with selected students from the CoVHer partner universities in Barcelona, Bologna, Porto, Warsaw, Mainz and additionally Lodz. The groups presented (Fig. 1.) the outcomes of the workshop week and the first project results at the 3rd International Multiplier Event to the public. The event also featured guest speakers from institutions that have a long background in digital 3d reconstruction of lost architecture and digital cultural education for the public (Fig. 2).

The keynnotes by representatives of the companies Pictureworks Studio, TimeRide and La Tempesta gave deep insights in the use of digital 3d reconstructions for serious games and digital cultural education.

The following discussion (Fig. 3) with fine food from local suppliers, provided valuable input for the project.

The workshop was accompanied by the exhibition of the student work in the first floor at the LUX-Pavillon Hochschule Mainz (Fig. 4).


Saturday, 09.09.2023, LUX Pavillon

14:00 - 14:15 Welcome by Piotr Kuroczynski and Jan Lutteroth, Hosts of the event 14:15 - 14:30 Welcome by Susanne Weissman, President of Mainz University of Applied Sciences 14:30 - 16:30 Presentations by the students from the CoVer partner universities 16:30 - 17:30 Coffee break and opening of the buffet 17:30 - 19:30 Keynotes on Serious Games and Digital Cultural Education 19:30 - 21:00 Get together with finger food and local wine