DFG 3D Viewer (1st phase) | Infrastructure for Digital 3D Reconstructions

DFG 3D Viewer (1st phase) | Infrastructure for Digital 3D Reconstructions

The DFG-Viewer 3D - Infrastructure for digital 3D reconstructions endeavours to establish an infrastructure facilitating the straightforward publication of 3D models within the expansive realm of digital reconstructions in the context of Cultural Heritage. Its primary objective is to ensure the long-term preservation and access to the published data. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/DFG) nad it is an extension of the already existing infrastructure of DFG Viewer, which provides an open-source web-based viewer for various types of multimedia for libraries and archives in Germany. This development provides a homogeneous media presentation system using the 'Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard' (METS) and the 'Metadata Object Description Schema' (MODS) as data exchange formats.

The first phase of the project is dedicated to delineating and developing the essential components of the infrastructure (fig. 1). Key elements included the integration of a viewer solution for displaying 3D models on the web, the implementation of a basic documentation scheme for 3D models based on metadata, and the development of a container for transferring datasets to data aggregators (fig. 2). In the joint project DFG 3D-Viewer the AI MAINZ is responsible for the web-based 3D visualisation (computer graphics) of manifold data sets as well as the establishment of a 3D repository and development of a documentation standard (metadata).

The efficacy of these developed solutions necessitated practical testing, for which the WissKI 3D Repository was employed. Since the launch of the beta version of the repository, it has been used as a part of digital reconstruction classes as a tool for documenting and preserving hypothetical digital reconstruction data.