Julian Gajdos

Julian Gajdos

Studentische Hilfskraft

Studentische Hilfskraft

Hochschule Mainz Holzstraße 36 55116 Mainz

Tel: +48 607 446 144

Mail: julian.artur.gajdos@students.hs-mainz.de

Bild von Julian Gajdos

Born in Lodz/Poland. Is currently persuing his Bachelor of Engineering Degree at the Lodz University of Technology. He took part in the R19/MAINZ Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Architecture as Resource workshop and supports the work at AI Mainz as a student assistant.

Curriculum Vitae

2021 – now

Bachelor of Engineering at Lodz University of Technology


July 2024
  • Sociopetal space in the context of the demands of the Athens Charter. Środowisko Mieszkaniowe -Housing Environment, ISSN 1731-2442, e-ISSN 2543-8700
September 2023

Presentation of an art installation at the international Light.Move.Festival 2023

May 2023

Presentation of an article at the Science Seminar of Architecture Students in Lodz